New Ranges
We are finalising orders for a number of new ranges and stocks should start arriving next week. The first range due in is Flames of War from Battlefield Miniatures and details should be available on the website next week.
We are hoping to have Hasegawa, Moebius, Perry Miniatures, Victrix and Warlord Games following shortly after.
Discontinued Ranges
To make room for these ranges we have taken the decision to stop stocking Dragon, Italeri and Tamiya models. We have carried this ranges for the last 9 years and although it has been a difficult decision to drop these products we have noticed a sharp decline in sales over the last few years and feel that our warehouse space would be better used on new and upcoming ranges.
We will be clearing all Dragon, Italeri and Tamiya products over the next few weeks to make additional shelf space. Please see our website for details.
Deliveries Next Week
We have a new shipment of Hobbyboss / Easymodel due in next tuesday which includes a number of new releases.
Another shipment of Vallejo Acrylics is also due and we are trying our best to keep all colours in stock. Demand for Vallejo has soared over the last six months and Vallejo have been struggling to match current demands. We are continually increasing our orders and are now hopefully starting to win the battle!
This weeks new arrivals
We have had a number of ranges restocked over the last two weeks including Academy, Miniart, Airfix, Eduard, Revell and Trumpeter.
Below is a list of new releases which are now in stock and available to order.